Why did you name a company after your cat?
Great question! I was not a cat person growing up, but Emmamoon was brought into my life by fate and has changed my life for the better in so many unimaginable ways. Growing with her has shown me the importance of being open minded and accepting of new experiences, new people, and of oneself. She has taught me countless lessons, but most importantly has shown me that emotions such as love, kindness, empathy, joy, happiness, and compassion are universal emotions that all beings can experience. She has shown me that we are all energy and that we all have the capacity to give and receive these feelings. Emmamoon has taught me that this is one of the attributes that unites us all, and that while the vessel may change from being to being, we all have the ability to positively impact others if we so choose. Emmamoon has the sweetest soul and always brightens my day and lifts my spirits. I wanted to infuse the joy she has shown me into my work so that I may share it with others.
Where are Emmamoon notebooks made?
Emmamoon notebooks are proudly made right here in New York City!
Do you accept returns?
Sorry, at this time we do not have the ability to accept returns.
How will I know when my product has shipped?
When you place an order, you will automatically receive an email confirmation. You can expect an email directly from me, thanking you for your order, and confirming it has been received. Once your product has shipped I will follow up with you to provide a tracking number and expected arrival date — your order is on its way! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at hello@emmamoon.com.
We love Emmamoon and want more products!
That's awesome, we’re so happy to hear it! We’re always looking to expand our product offerings and would love to hear from you if there’s something specific you’d like to see. Shoot us an email at hello@emmamoon.com — it would be great to hear from you! Be sure to join our mailing list so you’re the first to know when new items hit the store.
Where can we buy Emmamoon products?
Right now Emmamoon notebooks are sold right here at Emmamoon.com, and on our Emmamoon Etsy shop — EmmamoonShop. If you think Emmamoon products would be a good fit for your store, please reach out at hello@emmamoon.com, we'd love to chat!
I am a retailer and would love to sell Emmamoon products in my store!
That’s so exciting, we’d love to work with you too! Please email us at: collab@emmamoon.com to chat about wholesale opportunities.
Are you open to licensing/product collaborations?
Of course! We’re always game for new business opportunities. Please email us at: collab@emmamoon.com